Employee Engagement: 9 Tips to Maximum Motivation

Edge Team
November 22, 2023
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The local services sector is brimming with possibilities, but staff motivation remains a common concern for business owners. After all, job satisfaction and staff engagement have a direct impact on customer satisfaction. A motivated team can be the difference between sub-par service and exceptional experiences.

Employee engagement is the cornerstone of a motivated team. From your company's culture to the opportunities you provide to employees, every aspect of your business must cultivate a strong sense of community, positivity, and recognition. 

To help you achieve these touchpoints, we've put together a guide outlining our 9 top tips for maximum employee motivation.

But first, let's explore why employee engagement matters in the first place.

What are the benefits of employee engagement?

Employee engagement matters for businesses. The more you can show your employees you care about their experience, the more they'll be willing to give back to your company. Great company values and happy employees translate into enhanced productivity, lower turnover, and better customer experiences. Let's explore these core benefits in greater detail.

Enhanced productivity

Effective employee engagement is the key to improving workplace productivity. Engaged employees are more committed to their tasks and consistently deliver a higher level of customer service than disengaged staff.

Reduced employee turnover and recruitment costs

A great employee engagement strategy prioritizes job satisfaction. This translates into improved motivation, encouraging your employees to go the extra mile for your company. The more satisfied and engaged your staff is, the more likely they'll stick with your business, helping you improve employee retention and save on costly turnover expenses.

Better customer experiences

Happier employees mean better customer experiences. Motivated staff members will strive to exceed customer expectations. Their high job satisfaction will shine through, resulting in memorable interactions and positive experiences that keep customers coming back time and time again.

9 tips for maximum employee motivation

The local service sector has several unique requirements for ensuring employee motivation. Staff are almost always working in teams, meaning an excellent company culture is essential.

Equally important is individual recognition, as this drives job satisfaction and allows top performers to get the praise they deserve.

Finally, employee motivation has newfound significance in the local services industry because it directly translates to the customer experience. With these factors in mind, a positive employee experience is more than a nice to have. It's an essential component of your long-term success.

Let's dive into Edge's top 9 tips for keeping turnover low and staff motivation high. 

1. Recognize and reward your employees for hard work

Meaningful recognition is the cornerstone of employee motivation in the local services industry. Praising your staff when they deliver exceptional customer experiences creates a positive workplace culture and makes your employees feel valued for their efforts. This gives them the confidence they need to keep providing a high standard of service. Plus, they're more likely to go the extra mile if they know they'll get the recognition they deserve.

2. Foster a positive company culture

To keep turnover low and employee engagement high, your company must be a source of pride for your staff. Building an organizational culture of positivity, recognition, and open communication fosters a strong sense of community. And a company your employees care about is a company they will be motivated to work hard for.

3. Have a clear vision

As a people leader, the vision you portray to your staff has enormous potential to drive employee engagement. Many employees want to feel like they are contributing to a goal that is greater than themselves. Make your goals clear, exciting, and attainable, and let staff know how they can contribute. This will keep your team invested in your brand story, inspiring them to work alongside you.

4. Make your staff a core part of your vision

Expanding on from our previous point, it's also essential that you make it obvious how employee actions are helping the company work toward its goals.

For example, say your core organizational goal is to improve customer retention rates by the end of the year. If your staff receives a high amount of positive customer feedback during a month, tell them how this achievement is contributing to your objective.

Putting staff at the heart of your vision creates purpose within your employees. This nurtures a sense of achievement, creates intrinsic motivation,  and improves the employee experience by making your staff feel like they have the power to drive change.

5. Take constructive feedback seriously

Reviews are essential to service businesses, but focusing exclusively on customer ideas means internal feedback is all too easy to overlook. When an employee feels like their opinions are heard, they'll feel like a valued member of the team, making it more likely they'll go above and beyond to provide a high standard of service. Sending out employee engagement surveys, such as pulse surveys, is an excellent way to get regular feedback on employee well-being.

6. Treat every employee as a unique individual

No two employees are the same. Each has their own interests, motivations, and goals. It's important to practice open communication with your staff members to learn more about them. Doing so will allow you to provide personalized support tailored to your employee's individual needs and wants. 

7. Create personalized employee growth plans

To maximize organizational success, it's essential to communicate with your employees. Take the time to understand what they're hoping to achieve at your company. Are they looking for a leadership position? Do they want to build their confidence? Would they like to learn new skills?

Once you determine what each of your employees is looking for, it becomes easier to build a professional development plan that helps them achieve their ambitions. This shows you care and gives your staff something to work toward, improving the employee experience and boosting motivation. 

8. Provide opportunities

Once you understand what your employees are aiming to achieve, take steps to support them in reaching their goals. This is an excellent way to improve employee well-being.

If a staff member wants to aim for a leadership position, offering skills courses and workshops shows you're taking their ambitions seriously. Perhaps an employee seeks to achieve a healthy work-life balance to spend more time with their family. In that case, collaborating with them to find a solution will demonstrate that you value them.

9. Set actionable goals

Few things improve employee engagement levels like well-defined, attainable goals. Perhaps you'd like an employee to hit a monthly sales target, or maybe you want an employee aiming for a leadership position to complete a course by a specific date.

Setting attainable goals and rewarding your staff when they complete them is one of the most effective ways to turn a disengaged employee into a loyal advocate for your brand.

Edge: employee motivation, made easy

If you're searching for a simpler way to motivate your staff, choose Edge. Our tool offers valuable insights into employee engagement and provides a platform for you to review, recognize, and reward your top performers. Here's what our employee motivation software can offer:

And, with over 75 POS integrations, Edge has everything you need to start motivating staff and retaining valuable employees

Find out more about our employee engagement solution today.

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